Before a booking is made by the guest, the guest must read, understand and agree to terms and conditions set by ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI. In case of doubt or further questions please contact info@aleikoatmentawai.com. ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI reserves the right to alter prices at any time to the terms and conditions written herein. Prices and itinerary dates are indicative and are not binding upon ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI until the customer has paid in full.

      Reservation takes effect with the submission of an inquiry (e-Mail, message via Instagram, WhatsApp or Facebook). The surf camp guest then receives a confirmation of reservation via e-Mail by ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI and tips on how to prepare for the trip. Once a booking is made it can be changed by the customer within 24 hours, afterwards the booking will be proceeded and the deposit (50 % of full amount) needs to be paid within 7 days. To secure the booking, the payment is required to be made by bank transfer. The remaining 50 % of the amount have to be paid latest 30 days before arrival of the guest. Arising bank transfer fees or currency exchange fees needs to be paid by the customer. In case the booking is less than 30 days before the arrival of the guest. The full amount is to be paid.

      Costs do not include flights, hotel stay in Padang, visa costs, Mentawai Surf Tax, surfboard bag fee on the ferry, beverages such as alcohol, soda, etc., travel insurance and further personal costs incurred through delay in transport.
      Guests may cancel their ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI trip. A booking is not officially canceled until a written notice is received by ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI. The upfront paid deposit is non-refundable. Paid trips are non-refundable in case the guest fail to arrive at the transport point at the agreed time and date provided, or if you voluntarily leave a trip for any reason after the trip has begun or if you cannot fulfill your planned trip due to injury or illness. A replacement participant can be provided by a written notice given at least 7 days before arrival. 
      ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI reserves the right to adjust prices in case the guest wants to change the date of arrival. Depending on the room availability for every amendment we charge 500.000 IDR (can be paid by cash upon arrival). Rescheduling is only possible 30 days before arrival.
      Travelling to the Mentawai islands still means travelling to a remote part of the world. Therefore, ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI strongly recommend the guest to obtain a travel insurance for her/his exclusive vacation. ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI cannot accept responsibility for any travel delays, accidents or acts of nature that may occur.
      The guest has to be in possession of a valid passport with a minimum of 6 months validity and a valid visa. ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI is not responsible for any guest actions and will be not involved in any legal matters against the law. Furthermore, ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI is not responsible for any immigration or visa issues.
      Staying as a guest with ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI requires a degree of flexibility. Due to the remote location the guest understands that there can be changes without prior notice, such as transport, trip and accommodation due to circumstances beyond the control of the company. Should ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI change the trip the guest will be bound by these changes and will not hold the company liable.
      We, ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI, try to give you an unforgettable and enjoyable vacation. We also approach to give you the best possible experience when we offer guiding. ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI knows that expectations of different guest can vary from person to person, however, ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI cannot guarantee to meet all the expectations. By agreeing to these terms and conditions you accept that ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI will not be liable if the vacation do not meet the expectation of the guest. This includes meeting expectations regarding the quality and quantity of waves, guiding, weather conditions, the type of accommodation, the standard of transportation or organization.
      ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI is not responsible for
      • Board fees (airline, fast boat). ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI does not accept any responsibility regarding late arrival, non-arrival or damaged surfboards or/and board bags
      • Health problems arising during the stay
      • Additional expenses due to delays, natural disasters, terrorism, etc.
      • Loss of personal belongings if there is negligence on the part of the guest, and after investigation, there is no evidence to warrant any negligence or mischief on the part of ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI or its staff.
        ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI will not refund:
      • Trips that start later because ferry delays, flight delays, weather conditions
      • Any trip if related to injury, sickness
        In case a guest has a cause of complaint concerning her/his stay at ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI the matter should be discussed with the management. In case the complaint is valid, a refund may be offered. ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI will not accept claims lodged by the guest upon departure or after return home when an investigation of the complain is no longer effective.
        ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI has the right to publish, print, license, promote and sell photo and video taken by the company and its staff during the stay of the guest without specific consent or permission by guest.
    8. RISK & DANGER
      Traveling to the Mentawai Islands and staying with ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI may involve risks above a conventional holiday. The stay includes dangerous activities including boat travels in open ocean and surfing in different sizes of swell. All of it inherent risks and dangers that can result in serious injury or death. Our employers and guides can endeavor to reduce some of the risks. Accepting a vacation with ALEIKOAT SUFCAMP MENTAWAI the guest must accept the risks are involved.

      Due to the remote location the standard of accommodation, transport, safety, hygiene, cleanliness, medical supply, telecommunications and infrastructure may be not the standard that the guest is used to on a more conventional vacation. ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI does it best to unsure that drivers drive carefully and safely, the company will not be held liable for any resulting accidents that may occur during your vacation with us.
      The guest is aware that surfing and any other activities offered by ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI involve the risk of injury including death. The guest is aware that there is a risk of negligence by the company including the failure by the company to safeguard, protect the guest from or warn him or her of the risks and dangers of activities including surfing, travelling by boat, road travel.

      By booking with ALEIKOAT SURFCAMP MENTAWAI, the guest hereby agrees as written above.